Keynote SpeakersKeynote Speakers

Professor Alberto Lázaro Lafuente

Universidad de Alcalá

Alberto Lázaro is Professor of English Literature at the University of Alcalá, Spain, where he has been teaching English literature since 1987. He has done extensive research on British fiction, devoting particular attention to censorship and translation. Over the last few years, he published H. G. Wells en España (2004), Censorship across Borders (2011, coedited with Catherine O’Leary) and edited the Spanish translation of Claude Cockburn’s Reporter in Spain (2012) and Peadar O’Donnell’s Salud! An Irishman in Spain (2019). He is also the author of many articles and essays on translations, censorship and the reception of British authors in Spain, among them the essays on Virginia Woolf, James Joyce and H. G. Wells in three volumes of “The Reception of British Authors in Europe” series, edited by Elinor Shaffer and published in London by Continuum.

Professor Patricia Pulham

University of Surrey

Patricia Pulham is Professor of Victorian Literature and Head of the School of Literature and Languages at the University of Surrey. She is also currently President Elect of the British Association for Victorian Studies. She has published widely on a range of Victorian authors and neo-Victorian topics, and her latest monograph, The Sculptural body in Victorian literature: Encrypted Sexualities, was published in 2020 by Edinburgh University Press in their Critical Studies in Victorian Culture series.


Victoria Browne

Professor Jean-Michel Ganteau

Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3

Jean-Michel Ganteau is Professor of Contemporary British Literature at the University Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 (France) and a member of the Academia Europaea. He is the editor of the journal Études britanniques contemporaines. He is the author of four monographs: David Lodge: le choix de l’éloquence (2001), Peter Ackroyd et la musique du passé (2008) and The Ethics and Aesthetics of Vulnerability in Contemporary British Literature (2015), The Aesthetics and Ethics of Attention in Contemporary British Narrative (forthcoming). He is also the editor, with Christine Reynier, of four volumes of essays: Impersonality and Emotion in Twentieth-Century British Literature (Publications Montpellier 3, 2005), Impersonality and Emotion in Twentieth-Century British Arts (Presses Universitaires de la Méditerrannée, 2007), Autonomy and Commitment in Twentieth-Century British Literature (PULM, 2010) and Autonomy and Commitment in Twentieth-Century British Arts (PULM, 2011). He has also co-edited, with Susana Onega, The Ethical Component in Experimental British Fiction since the 1960s (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007), Ethics and Trauma in Contemporary Narrative in English (Rodopi, 2011), Trauma and Romance in Contemporary British Literature (Routledge, 2012), Contemporary Trauma Narratives: Liminality and the Ethics of Form (Routledge, 2014), Victimhood and Vulnerability in 21st Century Fiction (Routledge, 2017) and Transcending the Postmodern. The Singular Response of Literature to the Transmodern Paradigm (Routledge, 2020). He has published extensively on contemporary British fiction, with a special interest in the ethics of affects trauma criticism and theory, and the ethics of vulnerability, in France and abroad (other European countries, the United States), as chapters in edited volumes or in such journals as Miscelánea, Anglia, Symbolism, The Cambridge Quarterly, and so on.


Dr Victoria Browne

Oxford Brookes University

Victoria Browne is Senior Lecturer in Politics at Oxford Brookes University in the UK. Her books include Feminism, Time, and Nonlinear History (Palgrave, 2014), and Vulnerability and the Politics of Care: Transdisciplinary Dialogues (co-edited with Jason Danely and Doerthe Rosenow, Oxford University Press, 2021). Her new book Pregnancy without Birth: A Feminist Philosophy of Miscarriage has been supported by a Leverhulme Research Fellowship and is forthcoming with Bloomsbury in October 2022. Victoria has published numerous articles on feminist philosophy, historiography and temporality, and is also a co-editor of the journal Radical Philosophy.

University of Málaga

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(The Green Ray Building)
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29590 Málaga

Dis/Orientations and Dis/Entanglements
in Contemporary Literature and Culture:
An International Conference

University of Málaga (Spain)
21-23 September, 2022