Dis/Orientations and Dis/Entanglements
in Contemporary Literature and Culture

Dis/Orientations and Dis/Entanglements
in Contemporary Literature and Culture

Dis/Orientations and Dis/Entanglements
in Contemporary Literature and Culture

An International Conference

21 - 23 September | University of Málaga, Spain

Download Call for PapersDownload Call for PapersAn International Conference21 - 23 September | University of Málaga, Spain

About the Conference

Under the auspices of the Research Project "Orientation: Towards a Dynamic Understanding of Contemporary Fiction and Culture (1990s-2000s)" (ref. FFI2017-86417-P), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Competitiveness, and Universities, this Conference explores how the concept of ‘orientation’ can offer a renewed perspective on literary texts and cultural products alike. By positioning ‘orientation’ in close relation to (multiple) temporalities (or “polytemporality”, following Victoria Browne), space, and recognition of the ‘other’, this Conference (and the project) addresses the dynamic and fluid nature of today’s fiction and culture in English.

For more information, please send an email to orionliterature@gmail.com or visit the project website.

Main organisers

Professor Rosario
Arias Doblas

University of Málaga

Dr Marta Cerezo Moreno

National Distance Education University (UNED)

Dr Laura Monrós Gaspar

Universitat de València

Organising Committee

Scientific Committee

Dr Carmen Lara Rallo
University of Málaga

Dr Miguel Ángel González Campos
University of Málaga

Dra. Lin Elinor Pettersson
University of Málaga

Professor Antonio Ballesteros González

Dr Rosalía Baena
University of Navarra

Dr. Laura Monrós Gaspar
Universitat de València

Dr Miriam Borham Puyal
University of Salamanca

Dr Martyna Bryla
University of Málaga

Dr Raquel García Cuevas
University of Extremadura

Dr Juan José Martín González
University of Málaga

Dr Victoria Puchal Terol
International University of Valence

Manuel Hueso Vasallo
University of Málaga

Magdalena Flores Quesada
University of Málaga

Leopoldina Pedro Mustieles
University of València

Rosa Haro Fernández
University of Málaga

María Torres Romero
University of Málaga

Clara Sánchez Trigo
University of Málaga

Shadia Abdel-Rahman Téllez
University of Oviedo and University of Málaga

Bárbara Jiménez Durán
University of Málaga

María García Gámez

Professor Bran Nicol
University of Surrey

Dr Ben Davies
University of Portsmouth

Professor Ann Heilmann
University of Cardiff

Dr Marie-Luise Kohlke
University of Swansea

Professor Mark Llewellyn
Cardiff University

Dr Roberta Gefter
University of Trieste

Dr Marilena Parlati
University of Padova

Professor Roberta Maierhofer
University of Graz

Professor Susana Onega
Universidad de Zaragoza

Professor Patricia Pulham
University of Surrey

University of Málaga

Link by UMA A-Tech
(The Green Ray Building)
Blvr. Louis Pasteur, 47
29590 Málaga

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Dis/Orientations and Dis/Entanglements
in Contemporary Literature and Culture:
An International Conference

University of Málaga (Spain)
21-23 September, 2022
